How to Create a Sacred Home Space
How to Create a Sacred Home Space
Everyone should have a small space at home to be their sacred space like bedroom sanctuary. A place to help you decompress from a long day of activity and to aid in your rejuvenation towards the next day. Whether it is for reflection, meditation, prayer, or rest and stretching, a sacred space is a place to be kind to yourself and practise self-love.
At Good Space, we compiled the most important elements in creating a safe space at home.
Space to Breathe
Nicola Street project – quiet space
Choose a space that is at least large enough to place a yoga mat in, 68 inches long and 24inches wide. While your studio apartment may be tight on space, you can get creative by using a hallway or space next to your bed.
Space for Peace
When you choose your space, take into consideration the level of noise around it and nearby. Is there a lot of foot traffic and are you nearby populated areas, such as the kitchen or front door. Whether this can be modified or not, consider how you can make your space more peaceful, whether choosing a quiet corner in a room or wearing noise-cancelling headphones or playing ambient music to create peace.
Declutter Your Space
Source: Sarah Brown on Unsplash
Is your space filled with knick-knacks? Minimize the number of things in your space to help you focus on yourself and less of the outside world. Clean up and clear out papers, objects, clothes and media, and begin focusing on what sacred spaces mean to you.
Add Meaningful Items
Once you have cleaned your space, begin decorating it with what’s most meaningful to you. That may be candles, photos of loved ones, a few plants or a beautiful painting. Add pillows to create comfort and blankets for warmth. An indoor flowering plant such as an orchid, lavender or rosemary not only is visually appealing but they emit scents that can refresh and uplift you.
Dim the Lights
Dundas Street Contemporary Living Room, Vancouver
The right lighting can create a relaxing atmosphere, so turn the lights down low and bring in lamps or candles that are calming for you. Further, pay double attention to lighting design in small spaces. If your space has a window, you can let in the natural light during the day to energize your morning or cover up them up with heavy drapes to darken the space and reduce the amount of noise outside.
Turn on Your Favourite Music
Choose a playlist that allows you to chill and close your eyes. Whether it’s classical, jazz o, choose songs that focus on instrumental to let your mind concentrate on yourself and less of the outside world.
Soothing Scents

Courtesy of You + Me Candles
If you enjoy adding scents to your sacred space, consider essential oils that calm your senses and induce meditation. You can use a diffuser or add a few drops of oil to lotion, then dab it on your wrists and breathe in the scent. Some of the best oils to create a soothing space are:
- Frankincense essential oil for brain stimulation,
- Rose oil for building confidence,
- Lavender oil for relaxation,
- Ylang ylang for reducing tension,
- Sandalwood to reduce tension,
- Peppermint oil to reduce inflammation and muscle recovery,
- Orange essential oil for energy,
- Cedarwood oil for grounding.
Once you have created a sacred space, you will have the opportunity to use it for meditation and reflection. Overall, meditation is about connecting your mind with your body. Begin with the basics:
- Sit in a comfortable posture, whether cross-legged or on your calves. For extra comfort, place bolster, foam block or folded towel underneath you.
- Use an object to focus on. You can place a crystal or rock in front of you or light a candle.
- Pay attention to your posture. Lift your spine up and roll your shoulders back, lift your chin slightly and place your palms facing down on your knees for grounding, or facing up for the energy of the room. Let your eyes close partially and soften your gaze.
- Pay attention to your breath. Let yourself inhale deeply for five counts, hold for two before breathing out for 6. Carry on with this sequence to let thoughts go.
Meditation does not need to take long for your body to begin feeling the positive effects of slowing down. Your tension, stress, anxiety will decrease over time the longer you practice. Start with 10 minutes either early morning or before bed. Eventually, you may enjoy meditating for longer.
If you lack the room for a sacred space but do have a bathtub, why not make your toilette your retreat room? One of the first documented medicinal uses of a bath was when Hippocrates talked to other healers encouraging them to get their patients to soak in seawater to relieve their symptoms. Not only will a good soak do wonders for your skin but adding Epsom salts will also help reduce muscle pain and promote sleep and stress reduction.
Epsom salt formulations are similar to natural hot springs or mineral waters evoking the same healing properties. Add your favourite natural oil to the salts like lavender or citrus and you can help elevate your mood or alleviate stress. Close the shower curtain or the bathroom door to take advantage of the steam and try to stay in for longer than 10 minutes.
Feel Inspired
Visit our Pinterest Board on Sacred Spaces to view photos of some of our favourite sacred spaces to begin creating your own!